Posts tagged studio visit
Finding the Right Vessel | A Conversation with Sammy Lee

In our last exhibition of the year, Saving Lions by Killing Them, we turn to two powerhouse artists. (One of which is the best landlord ever!)

Get in the studio with artist, and owner of Collective SML | k, Sammy Lee. A committed creator of space and collector of time, she captures something ghostly in the studio, all while making space for creatives and their businesses in extraordinary ways.

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Meditations on Artist Advocacy, Semantic Shifts & DIY with Leto Projects

‘..Denver has changed quite a bit and continues to change. Moving forward, the question I have is, how can the arts ecosystem adapt to what exists now and brace for future changes in a way that provides opportunities to artists so they can afford to stay in Denver?..’

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Not for the Faint of Art | A Conversation with Cayce Goldberg

Currently standing in the midst of RiNo’s recent onslaught of construction, detour signs, and potholes, Helikon is an oasis for artists of all kinds... And no matter where you might find yourself in the maze of art to explore, you can always expect a welcoming smile and good chat with Cayce, Helikon's joyful and fearless leader.

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Drew Austin talks moving on, vanilla ice cream, and the freedom in not giving a fuck.

News clippings, paint chips, reference images, wire mesh, and just about every drawing material you could imagine, are scattered throughout; revealing Drew Austin's true nature as an artist, one who’s method of making work is constantly in a state of growth and refinement.

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In Decent Exposure: A studio Visit with Vinni Alfonso

through each decade, but there is one thing that has always managed to toe the line: sex. Though often in the forefront of contemporary media, and certainly the internet, sex still somehow remains taboo in the unmediated public sphere. For the past three years, Vinni Alfonso has explored and exploded these boundaries with his striking abstracted erotica. 

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