Careers with Cash - Career Advancement Awards

Need a little additional funding to grow your brand and business? 

Career Advancement Awards support Colorado creative entrepreneurs and artists to help stimulate their commercial creative business. The goal is that awardees will achieve tangible business benefits such as increased revenue, new audiences or improved management practices. 


  • Participate in an exhibit, festival, vendor showcase or artist residency for which participants are chosen through a competitive process or by exclusive invitation
  • Present at a conference or symposium for which presenters are chosen through a competitive process or by exclusive invitation
  • Purchase equipment and materials to expand or improve an applicant’s business
  • Enroll in professional development workshops or engage consultants and coaches in building administrative and business skills
  • Develop or upgrade technology related to business practices (e.g. online sales systems, website functionality, business analytics tools)
  • Develop promotional materials such as electronic media kits with high-resolution images

Strategic Priorities: 
To distribute support broadly throughout the creative industries, each Career Advancement annual cycle will focus on one or more specific industries. Although projects in all creative industry areas are eligible to apply, additional points will be awarded to applicants in the Strategic Priority Areas identified. In 2016-2017 the following are Creative Industries’ Strategic Priorities: Fashion Arts and Graphic Design

Awards range from $500 - $2,500 and funds are paid on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of a final report and expense receipts. The application for 2016-2017 will open March 1, 2016. Due November 2nd. 4:00pm