Grafico Movil: Mobilizing Art & Inspiring Change

Artemio Rodríguez was born in Tacámbaro, Michoacán, Mexico in 1972.

He began by studying agronomy at the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo and was later introduced to art when he apprenticed and learned letterpress printing from Juan Pascoe, at the nearby Taller Martín Pescador. 

Grafico Movil

In 2002 he founded La Mano Press in Los Angeles, California. La Mano Press is an artist-run center dedicated to the promotion and appreciation of printmaking. Artemio is also the creative mastermind behind Grafico Movil, a mobile gallery dedicated to promoting social engagement through art.

Recently, Odessa teamed up with Artemio and the American Latino Eco Festival to help bring Grafico Movil to communities and neighborhoods all across Denver-Metro; spreading the message of creativity, social engagement, and sustainability.

Odessa working with Grafico Movil

Odessa Tribe member, Daniel Granitto participates in the "Letters to the Earth" project at the Denver Art Museum.

Grafico Movil

The Grafico Movil is always on the move! Look for us at events like Cafe Cultura, Art in the ParkThe Jefferson County Fair, and 'Green Slam' at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, where we’ll be making prints for “Letters to the Earth”: a multi-community collaborative art project which will be unveiled on October 13th to 15th at America’s Latino Eco Festival in Denver.

More about Artemio 
More about America’s Latino Eco Festival