
Sad Magic

On View February 16, 2018 - March 30, 2018

Opening Reception February 16, 2018 | 6 pm - 10 pm

Sad Magic is a deeply personal investigation into the dilemma of existence and meaning. Reconciling viscera and is-ness, Daniel Granitto's painted works seek to excavate the truth in both place and self. Vibrant palettes of color and classical mark making amplify the artwork’s transcendence of time and decay. These places feel like memories, dismantled and reconstructed over and over again; losing sight of reality, but never escaping it. Vacant seats and collapsing homes become monuments to the ‘Eternal Afternoon’. There are ghosts here, they will not be ignored.

Daniel Granitto, a Colorado native, returned to Denver in 2016 after living and working in Chicago, Illinois for six years where he received his BFA in painting from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Working across various scales and media, Daniel’s paintings are meditations on the subtle magic and the quiet wonder that saturates daily life and softly whispers of eternity.

‘When I paint these scenes, I tend to think more about the sensation of that particular moment in time, rather than how it later appears in a photograph. My primary and constant goal is to impart that electrified moment of direct experience wherein one's whole self becomes fully aware of the tremendous and awful (awe full) reality of existence.’ - Daniel Granitto